What’s your plan to pivot?

Two women are intently focused on a computer monitor in an office setting, likely discussing a new SEO plan, with a person working at another desk in the background.

Pivot. The word of the COVID19 era. As businesses and entrepreneurs look at what’s next, it’s inevitable to run into the buzz word of the pandemic. What does Pivot mean to you and your business? We have to be thoughtful, and nimble, as we consider the best next steps for moving forward and thriving in…

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Create Content That Converts

content that converts

Create Content that Converts (and how to build it) Hello dear reader! I hope you had a great weekend, enjoying time with family and friends. Wait…you worked all weekend because you had to get a blog post up? You didn’t know what to write? You ended up on the floor in a puddle of tears…

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Social Media for the Business Owner

target audiences on social

Social Media is nothing to fear Too many options for using Social Media paralyze people. It’s true. There are so many platform and ways to communicate your brand value that it can leave you just plain stuck. You are not alone if you feel this way. I use Social Media a lot and it can…

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Quick tips to generate qualified leads

generate qualified leads

No one likes to cold call It’s got to be one of my least favorite things to do in life, and I certainly don’t enjoy doing it to generate business. A qualified lead is so much easier to follow up on than a cold list of names and numbers. Create a warm and fuzzy qualified…

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5 small business marketing challenges (and how to crush them)

marketing challenge

We all face marketing challenges in small business Small businesses, I feel you. I really do. I am also a small business owner who has goals and dreams of success. Sometimes, in small business, we get stuck in our day-to-day survival and client work. Sometimes, we are just plain overwhelmed. In this post, I want…

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