5 easy practices to help you trust your path

A colorful background with text: "SOULBIZ QUICK TIP: Trust that where you are today matters for who you’ll be tomorrow in your entrepreneurial journey." Credit to @ERINMACCOY.

Are you ready to dive deep into the essence of your entrepreneurial journey? Let’s talk about trusting the path laid out before you. Here are five powerful practices to help you embrace the soulpreneurial journey with confidence, trust, and magic. 1. Cultivate Self-Compassion: First things first, dear soulpreneur – be gentle with yourself. Trusting the…

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Why embracing imperfection has the most impact on your people

A pastel-colored graphic with the text "Today's Soulbiz Quick Tip: Embrace the messy and beautifully flawed journey of creation, free from perfectionism." The username @ERINMACCOY is at the bottom.

You are not alone, friend. I promise you that. Perfectionism hits hard on the heart of the Soulpreneur. Ah, the perfectionist soulpreneur – striving for excellence while dancing with the shadows of self-doubt. Let me offer you a beacon of wisdom amidst the storm: Embrace the beauty of imperfection. Yes, you heard me right. Embrace…

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Trust the dance of your business journey

A coastal scene with a motivational quote: "Be open to outcomes, not attached to them." The phrase "Today's Soulbiz Tip" is prominently displayed, encouraging the importance of being open.

Welcome, fellow soulful entrepreneurs, to a journey of profound self-discovery and business growth. In the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship, we must learn a powerful dance – a dance of trusting the flow of our business journey. Central to this dance is the art of being open to outcomes while remaining unattached. In this exploration, we’ll…

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Going It Alone in Entrepreneurship Is So 1987

heart-centered badass

Can you feel me, soulful superstar? As heart-centered, passionate women, we know that embracing the entrepreneurial journey means showcasing our unique gifts to the world. We are trailblazers, visionaries, and change-makers committed to making a lasting impact. Our mission is greater than any challenge, but let us remember that we are not designed to walk…

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