Harmonize to Elevate: Aligning Intuition with Business Strategies

business consultant

Pop quiz, hot shot! Have you ever felt like you’re constantly striving in your business, running the endless rat race but getting nowhere? Are you battling an invisible tide trying to pull you off course? In times like these, we often neglect our most potent guidance system—intuition. As mission-driven soulpreneurs, we birth our businesses from…

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Embracing Surrender: Integrating Personal Growth and Professional Development Through Human Design

Human Design Coach

“Surrender.” This essential concept is echoed throughout philosophies and practices everywhere, guiding us to learn the art of letting go. Relinquishing control unlocks the door to personal growth and professional development. However, integrating surrender can be challenging, and that’s where Human Design and The Soul Biz Society come in. Human Design offers insights into our…

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Quick tips to generate qualified leads

generate qualified leads

No one likes to cold call It’s got to be one of my least favorite things to do in life, and I certainly don’t enjoy doing it to generate business. A qualified lead is so much easier to follow up on than a cold list of names and numbers. Create a warm and fuzzy qualified…

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5 small business marketing challenges (and how to crush them)

marketing challenge

We all face marketing challenges in small business Small businesses, I feel you. I really do. I am also a small business owner who has goals and dreams of success. Sometimes, in small business, we get stuck in our day-to-day survival and client work. Sometimes, we are just plain overwhelmed. In this post, I want…

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Hope is Not a Strategy

hope marketing

Poor strategy. Poor results. I couldn’t believe my ears. “I hope this flyer works,” said the small business owner. I took a look at the flyer. It was poorly designed, badly worded and didn’t even have a logo. On top of that, the folding was poor and it didn’t have the contact info of the…

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