Overwhelm. We’ve all been there.
This week it’s all about marketing micro-planning. It’s a term and a method I use with small business owners to reduce overwhelm and encourage action.
The History of Marketing Micro-Planning
Over the years, I have written many year-long marketing plans. These multi-page, multi-chapter plans often became obsolete as technology morphed and shifted, as well as rigid and inflexible as the year went on. They took loads of time to compile, research and write. They were impressive, though- and often received a gasp of excitement from colleagues and clients alike when presented. Sure, they made me look good, but the truth was that they often sat propped up against the doors as doorstops and never got opened. Simply put, they were just too much for my clients to digest.
Marketing micro-planning is born
In the last few years, and as I developed my SMART Marketing Method Coaching Program, I realized that all that really mattered to the majority of my clients was to see items checked off their marketing to-do list. They loved the one-pager summary I included in the year-long marketing plan. I would often recommend they rip it out of the full plan and post it near their work area, so they could see it, engage with it, and cross items off of the list when completed.
With this in mind, I developed a 5-step marketing plan to be implemented over a period of time- typically within a shorter period than 9-12 months. Usually, I give them shorter deadlines. It creates accountability and momentum.
These micro-plans changed the way clients viewed marketing. No longer are they a deer in the headlights, overwhelmed by all the things they were prescribed to do. Now they looked forward to checking things off and showing me their progress. What’s even better? They want another set of 5 steps to work on when they’re done the first set. It’s amazing!
A primary vision is key
Quick note: Before we even get to the one-pager marketing plan, I work diligently with my clients to get a real sense and practical view of the entire year (at least). It is this critical visioning work that informs the bite-sized pieces they chew on throughout the year. It’s a must to get a bigger picture of what will work for them and customizing a 5-step marketing plan comes from that work.
You don’t have to do it alone
If you’re interested in learning more about how a 5-step marketing plan could work for you and your business, please let me know. I would love to learn more about your business.