Harmonize to Elevate: Aligning Intuition with Business Strategies

business consultant

Pop quiz, hot shot! Have you ever felt like you’re constantly striving in your business, running the endless rat race but getting nowhere? Are you battling an invisible tide trying to pull you off course? In times like these, we often neglect our most potent guidance system—intuition. As mission-driven soulpreneurs, we birth our businesses from…

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The Power of Slowing Down: Embracing Integration in Our Spiritual Journey

Human Design and Integration

In today’s world, we are often influenced to keep rushing and pushing ourselves, potentially leading to burnout. Fortunately, understanding our unique Human Design can serve as a vital tool for embracing the often-overlooked importance of resting and integrating our spiritual lessons. Recently, I have had several reminders of how essential it is to harness the power of integration for our spiritual journeys, heart-centered business, and human experience. Here are some of my revelations and thoughts on slowing down and taking the time to really integrate what we’re learning at the fire hose of life right now.

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Soulpreneurs, are you ready to rise?

Soul Biz Society

Are you ready to rise, dear Soulpreneur? As we put our hearts into our businesses, striving to touch lives and attempting to make this world more loving, we understand that being grounded in our purpose and consistent in our actions is paramount. Today, I invite you to embark on a journey toward building a heart-centered,…

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The Power of Clarity when you’re a Heart Centered Badass

Storefront display featuring a clear motivational message on the window: "Wake up. Kick ass. Be kind. Repeat." with some backpacks and other items inside.

Muddled and murky? One of my clients’ biggest challenges is going from muddled in their decision-making to clear. And, truth be told, when you knock overwhelm on its butt, you are activating a trajectory of light speed towards your most desired outcomes. Enter Human Design Human Design is one of the best and most effective…

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5 soul-nourishing cures for that energetic hangover

Energetic hangover

Feeling hungover after you didn’t drink a drop? Believe it or not, you’re in excellent company – this happens to many of us. To re-center after an energy hangover, listen to your body throughout the day and honor the space you’re in. You’ve heard the adage, “Drink plenty of fluids and get more rest,” when you’re sick? This is a perfect time to activate that nourishing practice so you can refill your energy stores with ease.

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Don’t underestimate these tools in your marketing toolkit

Woman in business

Need help to move the needle in your business? Do an internal audit of your thoughts. They are game stoppers. If you need to get unstuck or return to flow, answering these 5 questions can help you release yourself from negative thought patterns and begin to market successfully for better results.

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