Posts Tagged ‘mental health’
A simple path to purpose
Do you ever feel stuck? Perhaps you don’t have the job you want, or the relationship, or the financial situation. You probably know what it is that you don’t want, but have you ever taken the time to figure out what it is that you do want? Stop and read that again. Hits hard, right?…
Read More5 soul-nourishing cures for that energetic hangover
Feeling hungover after you didn’t drink a drop? Believe it or not, you’re in excellent company – this happens to many of us. To re-center after an energy hangover, listen to your body throughout the day and honor the space you’re in. You’ve heard the adage, “Drink plenty of fluids and get more rest,” when you’re sick? This is a perfect time to activate that nourishing practice so you can refill your energy stores with ease.
Read MoreKick “them” to the curb
We all have ‘em- those little voices in our head that tell us we can’t do or be something.
The voices in the brain that can nag at you to do this or that, or not. It happens to everyone, including the most mindful and conscious entrepreneur. Self-doubt is real, y’all.
You’re doing the best you can. Truly.
As a member of a BNI (Business Networking International) group, I was tasked with providing networking education to our membership. I wanted to take a minute to share one of my latest “Ed Moments” that feels really timely right now. It feels like a good reminder. “We take this moment to break from our regularly…
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