Posts Tagged ‘planning’
Hope is Not a Strategy
Poor strategy. Poor results. I couldn’t believe my ears. “I hope this flyer works,” said the small business owner. I took a look at the flyer. It was poorly designed, badly worded and didn’t even have a logo. On top of that, the folding was poor and it didn’t have the contact info of the…
Read MoreReady-set-video!
To video or not to video- there is no question. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Video is where it is at when it comes to marketing your business. If you’re not doing video, you’re not being seen (or building trust). I have been doing video now for more than a year. It took…
Read MoreA look at Branding vs. Marketing
What is the difference between Branding and Marketing? When I am in front of a group talking about Branding and Marketing, I always start with a definition of both. There are a lot of ways to define Branding- even more about Marketing. Somewhere along the way, I found a simple, easy to remember definition. Branding…
Read More2017: A quick look back
Take a look back. You can do it! As we move into 2018, it’s never a bad idea to look back at what 2017 showed us as business owners. I know, for me, I ask myself questions to help evaluate what worked and what didn’t. An important part of any planning process is analysis, and…
Read More2017 Homestretch: Turning a vision into a plan
Let’s do this. Let’s crush 2018. We have our vision. We have our ideas. Now it’s time to create the plan. “Yikes,” you cry. “I can’t possibly do this. I’m overwhelmed!” This very exclamation is something I often hear from busy business owners who know they need to market their business in order to grow,…
Read More2017 Homestretch: What do I do now?
We’ve all been there. The homestretch is upon us and there is just a little bit more time in the year to do something positive and impactful to market our business to finish strong. In this week’s Monday Marketing Minute, we address this very common situation and look at an alternative to throwing in the…
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