Wake Up. Kick Ass. Repeat.

A woman in a floral dress stands in a field, facing a setting sun on the horizon, ready to kick ass another day.

Finally. It’s 2017. Finally.

In talking with many of my clients, I have found one common thread — 2016 was TOUGH. Tough on personal lives, tough on businesses, tough on the soul. I know I breathed a deep sigh of relief when the clock struck midnight on December 31st, launching us forward into a new year.

A blank canvas. At last.

The wonderful feelings that come with a new year are often associated with having another shot at “getting it right”. For me, in my business, this means it’s goal setting time. Setting goals is one thing. I also like to create a plan to go along with it. After all, you can’t get it done if you don’t know what to do.

The deer in the headlights finally has night vision goggles in 2017!

As I reconnect with clients after the holidays, I ask them about their goals and objectives for creating success this year. Together, we can work as architects in the building of their foundation by strategizing marketing activities and branding initiatives that work for them and bring more attention and prospects their way.

We all experience a renewed energy in January and many people make resolutions — some last, some don’t. What I am proposing to my clients, and promising, is that we commit to something together — even just one small thing — that can make a huge difference in the way they market their business.

In my own business, my goals this year have a lot to do with deepening connections to prospects and with my clients, as well as being more of service to others in any way I can. Kindness is key, even in business, in my opinion — more importantly in business. And that’s the way I want to show up.

If you’re looking to connect with your clients in new ways or looking to create a plan that doesn’t make you feel the overwhelm you felt in 2016, please contact me or check out my SMART Marketing Method. It’s my signature program designed for business owners just like you who need a hand in getting a handle on their marketing.

Here’s to a tremendous and prosperous new year, full of opportunity, joy, balance and kindness … for everyone.

PS. Special thanks to my client, Domenica, for the very poignant title of this post. I couldn’t agree more!
