You’re doing the best you can. Truly.

Close-up of red flower buds against a blurred background, showcasing nature truly doing its best.

As a member of a BNI (Business Networking International) group, I was tasked with providing networking education to our membership. I wanted to take a minute to share one of my latest “Ed Moments” that feels really timely right now. It feels like a good reminder.

“We take this moment to break from our regularly scheduled education moment for a special message just for you, Champions, and guests.

It feels like Groundhog Day more than ever. You have done all the things. You have juggled projects, clients, virtual classes, family times, and an increased workload all while mentally trying to deal with the pandemic. Your children are affected. Your routine is usurped. You may not have seen family or friends in what feels like forever. You may have lost people you care about. You haven’t seen your BNI group in person in a long time, if ever.

Let me tell you this: You’re doing the best you can and it’s really ok to not be ok.

I invite you to consider the idea of taking better care of yourself where and when you can.

Here are a few things you can do to help soothe the pandemic angst.

Let it out.
Share your feelings with a friend. Scream at the top of your lungs into a pillow. Journal your way through the pandemic. Simply release and relieve the tension, stress, and anxiety by sharing what you’re going through.

Put on a playlist you love and move your body!
Nothing feels better than hearkening back to the times you connected with music you love. I love to put on a favorite tune or two, put them on repeat, and dance, dance, dance. There’s something about music that drives a direct line of nostalgia to my heart.

Get outside. Change up your scenery.
Change up your environment especially if you solely work from home. Go for walks in nature, around the block, visit people you know in a safe outdoor venue. Go for a drive to a place you haven’t been like a state park, hiking trail, or lake. Take in the view. Get a new perspective.

Like I said before, you’re doing the best you can. It’s ok to not be ok. And, if you need a friend, connect for a 1:1 with a member in this group and get to know each other better and share what you’re going through.

Our businesses may be run by humans, but this shared human experience can evoke meaningful connections if you want it to.

This has been your non-standard, non-conforming education moment brought to you by me, Erin MacCoy, Your Education Coordinator.”

Erin MacCoy

My greatest joy is shining a light on the strengths and abilities of others, allowing them to move forward with purpose and intention and without hesitation by understanding and embracing who they really are.